I went to the 5pm WOD at Crossfit and did the following:
- Front squats with a barbell: a couple minutes of practicing form with an unweighted bar, then sets of 3 reps each of (if memory serves correctly) 33, 53, 63 and 78lbs; 3 sets of 1 rep 90lbs; 1 rep of 100; 3 reps of 110 (spaced out a bit). I was hoping to hit my 1-rep max in this round because I was working with a couple of regulars, but it didn't happen. Yeah...that feels kinda good :) Also, apparently I have nearly impeccable form.
- WOD: AMRAP for 12 minutes of 20 double-unders with the jump-rope and 10 hand-release push-ups (just regular ones except you pick your hands off the floor at the bottom). I got about 3.5 rounds in because I cannot do double-unders to save my life. Dave said honest attempts could count (because otherwise I doubt I'd have finished even one round), so I think I did maybe 10 real ones the whole time and intensely frustrated efforts rife with muttered expletives the rest of the time.
- 2 days of complete paleo: no coffee, dairy or grains at all, preferably with a long tromp through the woods
- 4 days of structured, non-Crossfit movement: aforementioned long tromps or running
- get 1500 mg of sodium every day. Since I started tracking my food, I've noticed that I get somewhere between 0.8 and 1 grams, when my RDA (according to Daily Plate, at least) is about twice that. Apparently that can lead to low blood pressure (which I know I'm already prone to even when I'm semi-dehydrated and not exercising a lot), which can lead to bad things. Anyone know more about this? Let me know!
Crossfit is better than chocolate.
PS: Yes, I really remember watching the bowl fall. And I still have the scar.
"Crossfit is better than chocolate" - someone should put that on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt. Such an inspiring post!