- laundry: done. ALL of it. it was like 3 loads. next: weed out my wardrobe!
- cleaned room: mostly. there's still boxes of papers and decorative things that I just don't have room for but won't throw out...but I did get things tidy enough to switch up the layout! pics soon
- dentist appointment: made! it took a few tries to get the receptionist on the phone long enough to take my information (she was having a bad day) but I finally did! this'll be only the third time I've ever gone to a dentist other than the one I
fearedsaw all through childhood, counting different ones for a checkup and a surgery, so we'll see how it goes... - new phone: activated and updated with all my info! the price chart at the verizon store listed phone info transfer at $20...but they didn't ask me to pay a dime. I love being a girl :D
- credit limit: increased! well, as soon as they call me to ask any remaining questions and let me know the new amount. while I was at the bank, the associate also let me know about a new savings account type that I can do now with a significantly higher interest rate. w00t! next up: top off emergency fund, then open an IRA. yay being prepared!
- boy: awesome and lovable. that is all.
- do Zone all the way for 4 days - that's 3 balanced meals and two balanced snacks, all timed correctly. this is the second day and going strong
- run/walk 2 times this week. I can't rely just on Crossfit - besides, I want to start working back up to the goal of doing a (relatively) long-distance road race. did 1.6 miles yesterday, walking about .5 miles of that
- lose 1 lb. I want to show off my six-pack, damn it!
- warm-up: 10 KB swings (25lbs for this and the WOD), 10 air squats; repeat. Dave also had me sprint inside and back to get my water
- WOD: 20 American KB swings; walking lunges for about 35 ft; inchworms (touch toes, walk hands out to plank pose, walk feet in to hands) for about 25 ft; broad jumps (from standing, feet together) for about 35 ft; bear crawl (downward dog. now go forward) for about 25 ft. repeat for 25 minutes
- cool-down: 1.6 miles around the Duke wall on my own

Yesterday's post-workout meal
- salmonburger doused in balsamic vinegar and sauteed
- 2ish cups of leftover roasted veggies, tossed around in the pan when the salmon was done, with a couple drops of sesame oil and liquid smoke (my new favorite seasoning combo!) added
- about a cup of frozen mango, which I eventually added to the veggies. totally delish.

Today's breakfast
- porridge with 1/4 c oats, 1 T oat bran and 1 c milk/water/salt
- toppings: a good dollop of yoghurt, a good sprinkle of wheat germ and an absolutely delicious yes-i-dare-to-eat-it peach!
- 2 oz cheddar
- 2 c coffee with whole milk as creamer

- about a cup of garlicky kale
- about 2 cups of tofu marsala, courtesy of amam
- 2 oz provolone
- 1 c yoghurt and milk whisked together, then mixed with vanilla and pumpkin pie spice
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